About Tammie Wahaus

As Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Board Chair, Ms. Wahaus has led the strategic planning, business development, manufacturing, regulatory and clinical trial activities of the company since 2014. Ms. Wahaus has more than 25 years of experience serving in key leadership roles in public and private companies. She joined TVAX Biomedical (an affiliate) in 2012 as Chief Financial Officer and was responsible for developing the animal health business strategy which was then spun off as ELIAS Animal Health.

New Clinical Trial Will Evaluate Combination Therapy to Treat Canine Lymphoma

After successfully concluding a clinical trial for canine osteosarcoma, ELIAS Animal Health is focused on continuing to push forward in the fight against cancer with a new clinical trial involving combination therapy to treat lymphoma in dogs. The pilot study, which is currently underway, will evaluate ELIAS Cancer Immunotherapy (ECI®) in combination with VCAA (L- asparaginase, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin) chemotherapy to treat lymphoma in dogs. All trial participants will be treated at a single investigator site for this preliminary study. Prevalence of Lymphoma in Dogs Canine lymphoma is a fairly common type of cancer in dogs. In an article published by VCA Animal Hospitals, authors Malcolm Weir, DVM, MSc, MPH and Catherine Barnette, DVM the disease accounts “for 15-20% of new cancer diagnoses in dogs. It is most common in middle-aged and older dogs, and several breeds are predisposed...” Overview of the Clinical Trial Protocol for Canine Lymphoma Patients [...]

By |2023-11-02T13:40:15-06:00November 2nd, 2023|Categories: Blog, News|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

One Health: Leveraging the Intersection of Health Across Our World

January is One Health Awareness Month, which recognizes and promotes the "interconnectedness of the health of people, animals, and the environment." (Forbes.)  ELIAS Animal Health was founded to apply the progress that has been made in fighting human cancers in the veterinary space, and then share the findings with our human health counterparts. We follow a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach, aligned with the One Health philosophy about the connections and correlations between the health of people, animals, and the environment. Human and canine cancers share similarities, so research on either side can impact and support the other: TVAX Biomedical is launching a glioblastoma study in the near future. ELIAS’ origins came from the early work and research conducted by TVAX.  TVAX and Genelux Corporation, a clinical stage immunotherapy company focused on developing oncolytic virus therapies for humans, have formed a joint venture known as V2ACT Therapeutics™, LLC that will focus on [...]

By |2023-01-24T12:56:03-06:00January 10th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Can We Treat Cancer Without Chemotherapy?

Cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs, and in humans it is second only to heart disease. For decades, chemotherapy has been the only option and a necessary evil to treat cancer. Most of us know someone who has gone through chemo, and side effects can significantly impact quality of life during and after treatment. Chemotherapy targets cells at different stages of the cell cycle, and because cancer cells often form more quickly than normal cells, chemo can be effective in destroying cells and preventing them from growing, dividing, and making more cells. Unfortunately, “chemo drugs can’t tell the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells. This means normal cells are damaged along with the cancer cells, and this causes side effects. Each time chemo is given, it means trying to find a balance between killing the cancer cells (in order to cure or control the disease) [...]

By |2022-07-19T20:11:01-06:00July 19th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

It Takes a Village: Understanding the Critical Roles Played by the Care Team Treating Canine Cancer Patients

This is the second part of a series that highlights the innovation, people, and opportunities that have been part of my ELIAS journey. Last week, I focused on solving a problem: treating dogs with cancer using methods that lengthened and improved their quality of life. This segment is dedicated to the people who are part of the solution. The family veterinarian plays an important role in a pet’s life and in the lives of the family who loves them, similar to that of a primary care doctor in the human realm. Through regular check-ups, the family veterinarian keeps the dog healthy.  When he or she suspects something is wrong, they assess the issue and connect the pet and owners to a specialist if necessary. When a dog is diagnosed with cancer, it starts a process of care. The initial point of contact is often the family veterinarian, who diagnoses the [...]

By |2022-07-17T13:53:44-06:00March 10th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: |0 Comments

An Entrepreneur’s Journey: Can Cancer in Dogs Be Treated Without Chemotherapy?

Entrepreneurs look to solve problems.  Needs spark ideas, ideas spark innovation, and innovation births new companies. We founded ELIAS Animal Health to transform cancer treatment for pets by bring the state-of-the-art therapeutics benefiting humans into the animal world. Chemotherapy has been the standard of care treatment for dogs with cancer for decades. Until recently, it was often the only option available. Chemo kills cancer cells but because it’s so powerful, it damages surrounding healthy cells and ravages the body. Our goal was to find an alternative way to treat canine cancer, one that is effective and less taxing on our canine counterparts. Millions and millions of dollars fund human cancer research and treatment, but our pets traditionally haven’t benefited from it the same way that people have. At ELIAS, we collaborate with our peers in human health to apply the advancements in immunotherapy to animals. Our goal is to bring [...]

By |2022-07-17T13:55:02-06:00March 3rd, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |0 Comments

Canine Cancer Continuum | Part 3: How Immunotherapy Works

In this final installment of the Canine Cancer Continuum, we talk about immunotherapy - what it is, how it works, and how it can help in the fight against cancer. (Check out Part 1 and Part 2.) “Without an immune system, we would have no way to fight harmful things that enter our body from the outside or harmful changes that occur inside our body. The main tasks of the body’s immune system are: to fight disease-causing germs (pathogens) like bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi, and to remove them from the body, to recognize and neutralize harmful substances from the environment, and to fight disease-causing changes in the body, such as cancer cells.” (National Institutes of Health) In a nutshell, our immune systems are powerful mechanisms designed to protect us and keep us healthy. They work 24/7 to fight off external threats, like viruses and environmental stressors, and internal threats, like stresses to normal [...]

By |2022-10-20T12:48:07-06:00February 4th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |0 Comments

Canine Cancer Continuum | Part 2: The Connection Between Canine and Human Cancer

We’re halfway through a series exploring canine cancer. Last week, we discussed the prevalence of dog cancer, and today we will explore the connection between it and human cancer. Human cancer research is extensive. Almost anyone I encounter has either battled cancer themselves or has journeyed that path with someone close to them. Many people are surprised to learn that one in four dogs are diagnosed with cancer and that it’s the leading cause of death in canines. ELIAS Animal Health applies the advancements in human immunotherapy to dogs. They’re good models. From a scientific perspective, we are able to gather data more quickly than in human research because dogs have a shorter lifespan and cancer progresses more quickly in them. From a “we love our furry friends” perspective, we want to bring needed therapies into the veterinary marketplace that help people. ELIAS Cancer Therapies Are Being Simultaneously Developed for Humans [...]

By |2023-01-24T19:57:18-06:00January 27th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Canine Cancer Continuum | Part 1: The Prevalence of Dog Cancer

We’re embarking on a 3-part series that explores dog cancer, how our research and progress can be applied to humans, what immunotherapy is, and why it can be so effective. “Cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs and as a rank order, higher than people…” - Dr. Doug Thamm Dogs live in the same environments as humans, exposed to the carcinogens that their owners are. It’s not surprising, then, that one in four dogs is diagnosed with cancer, and it’s the leading cause of death in pets beyond middle age (Veterinary Cancer Society). Dogs experience cancer at rates that are comparable to or exceed those in humans. Canine cancer has primarily been treated the same way for decades - with chemotherapy. Dr. Carolyn Henry, Dean of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, has said she is “frustrated by the fact that we don’t see many new therapies coming [...]

By |2022-05-30T12:01:26-06:00January 20th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Change Is Hard But Worth the Effort | Part 4: Create a Culture of Change

Change. We’ve established that it’s hard all around - for people, leaders, and entire organizations. It requires commitment, willingness to do things differently, and being open to other thought processes and approaches. Successfully executing change is a big deal! However, since companies are ever-moving, growing, shifting, and improving, it’s a never-ending endeavor. By creating a culture of change, organizations can circumvent much of the uncertainty and resistance that accompanies isolated changes. Creating an environment that is change-conducive, flexible, and adaptive supports your team as they shift and adjust - a much better alternative than tossing them into the shark tank! Forbes published an article a couple of years ago that spotlights 14 Ways To Build a Company Culture That Embraces Change. We’ve discussed much of what they cover in the first 3 installments of this series: Why Change is Hard, The Change Maze, and How to Manage Change. The authors point out a few more essentials that, when effectively implemented, [...]

By |2022-01-08T14:46:32-06:00November 4th, 2021|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Change is Hard But Worth the Effort | Part 3: How to Manage Change

Over the last couple of weeks, ELIAS blogs have explored Why Change is Hard and navigating the Change Maze. The third installment in our Change is Hard But Worth the Effort series focuses on the people piece - how to manage change. Stagnancy stifles. In a world that seems to spin faster and faster, it’s more important than ever for businesses to keep moving and stay ahead of economic and technological changes and advances. Words like innovation and creativity are no longer associated with cutting-edge companies (the Innovators we discussed in Part 2); they are mainstream, essential for growth and success. Whether you love it or hate it, change is necessary. Perhaps the leadership team is on board, ready to do things differently. Top-down management may have its benefits in some instances, but when it comes to change, it’s essential to have the support of your team. After all, they’re the ones who will [...]

By |2022-01-08T14:44:26-06:00October 28th, 2021|Categories: Blog|0 Comments
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