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News & Updates

ECI®: What to Expect During the T Cell Infusion

The ELIAS Cancer Immunotherapy (ECI®) is an alternative treatment option to chemotherapy for certain types of canine cancer. ECI is a two-step sequential and interdependent protocol. Step 1 involves priming the patient’s immune system with a personalized vaccine that stimulates an immune response. Step 2 is the activation, expansion and reinfusion of the patient’s cancer antigen-specific T cells which can travel to and attack the cancer cells in the dog’s body. We’re often asked if patients can receive only the vaccines, without T cell infusion. Both steps are essential and play different roles in treatment. Stimulating the immune system [...]

November 16th, 2022|

Canine Cancer Resources For Pet Owners

When pets are diagnosed with cancer, pet owners can sometimes feel lost about where to find help and information about their options. The best place to start is the family veterinarian. He or she can answer questions and help families navigate a difficult diagnosis. The family vet can help make referrals to veterinary oncologists, and even provide information about the treatment options available for their pet.  Learn About Canine Cancer ELIAS Animal Health is committed to developing better treatment options for animal cancer for pets and their families. To support veterinarians and their clients in the quest for information, we've [...]

October 24th, 2022|

National Veterinary Technician Week: Celebrating The Resilience of Those In This Vital Role

National Veterinary Technician Week is celebrated October 16-22, and this year the theme is: “Veterinary Technicians’ Resilience is the Heart of Veterinary Medicine.” Veterinary technicians are the men and women who seamlessly execute veterinary patient care. Serving on the frontlines of animal care, their resiliency and passion to provide the best care for their patients is what makes the veterinary technician role so vital. In human medicine, several people would fill the role of one veterinary technician: nurse, x-ray technician, phlebotomist, EMT, surgical technician…the list goes on. What is a Veterinary Technician? Veterinary technicians are credentialed professionals whose medical knowledge [...]

October 10th, 2022|
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