National Veterinary Technician Week: Celebrating The Resilience of Those In This Vital Role

National Veterinary Technician Week is celebrated October 16-22, and this year the theme is: “Veterinary Technicians’ Resilience is the Heart of Veterinary Medicine.” Veterinary technicians are the men and women who seamlessly execute veterinary patient care. Serving on the frontlines of animal care, their resiliency and passion to provide the best care for their patients is what makes the veterinary technician role so vital. In human medicine, several people would fill the role of one veterinary technician: nurse, x-ray technician, phlebotomist, EMT, surgical technician…the list goes on. What is a Veterinary Technician? Veterinary technicians are credentialed professionals whose medical knowledge and clinical skills provide routine and emergency care. They work alongside veterinarians to provide the medical care that helps animals live healthy, happy lives. Vet techs play an important role in veterinary patient care. Their attention to detail ensures that each patient receives proper care, no matter what ails them. [...]