Canine Cancer Continuum | Part 2: The Connection Between Canine and Human Cancer
We’re halfway through a series exploring canine cancer. Last week, we discussed the prevalence of dog cancer, and today we will explore the connection between it and human cancer. Human cancer research is extensive. Almost anyone I encounter has either battled cancer themselves or has journeyed that path with someone close to them. Many people are surprised to learn that one in four dogs are diagnosed with cancer and that it’s the leading cause of death in canines. ELIAS Animal Health applies the advancements in human immunotherapy to dogs. They’re good models. From a scientific perspective, we are able to gather data more quickly than in human research because dogs have a shorter lifespan and cancer progresses more quickly in them. From a “we love our furry friends” perspective, we want to bring needed therapies into the veterinary marketplace that help people. ELIAS Cancer Therapies Are Being Simultaneously Developed for Humans [...]