A New Way to Treat Canine Osteosarcoma

One in four dogs will develop cancer in their lifetime. Cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs over the age of two. Canine cancers are often discovered in the late stages of the disease when treatment is complex. Pet owners are urgently looking for new and better options to prolong their companion’s life and improve the quality of life. How can you help these dogs and their families?

The ELIAS cancer immunotherapy (ECI®) is built on more than 50 years of intensive scientific and medical research on the interactions between cancer and the immune response. A recently completed clinical trial of ECI for osteosarcoma showed 50% of dogs survived greater than one year and 36% survived multiple years (results published in JVIM, July 2020) – an improvement when compared to historical results observed in dogs undergoing traditional treatments.

Make a difference in your patients’ lives with the possibility of improved outcomes and better quality of life.


Clinical trial results with new immunotherapy, ECI®, for osteosarcoma showed 50% of dogs survived greater than one year and 36% survived multiple years.

Results published in JVIM, July 2020

Cancer Immunotherapy. Personalized

Our approach is profoundly simple: Every canine patient is unique. Every cancer is unique. To ultimately win against this devastating killer, cancer therapy itself must also be unique. ELIAS Cancer Immunotherapy (ECI®), our Autologous Prescription Product, harnesses the power of the dog’s own immune system to eliminate the cancer.

Killer T cells. Activated.

The complexity of cancer itself makes the development and delivery of effective treatments a steep challenge. Research has shown that ex vivo activated T cells have the capability to effectively kill cancer cells, including cancer stem cells. ELIAS cancer immunotherapy utilizes adoptive cell therapy to deliver an army of activated T cells.

Two Methods. Combined.

ELIAS Animal Health has developed a unique treatment protocol that vaccinates the dog with its own cancer cells to produce an immune response. Personalized T cells are then safely obtained from the patient through apheresis and activated to produce a large population of killer T cells that are reinfused into the patient to kill the cancer.

Benefits. Expanded.

ELIAS’ cancer immunotherapy is a platform technology that has demonstrated effectiveness in multiple rodent and human cancers, while avoiding or minimizing the need for chemotherapy or radiation treatment. ELIAS is changing the way veterinarians treat canine cancer.


“The T cell expansion is a huge component that, to my knowledge, none of the other autologous products are even trying to replicate.”

Zachary Wright, DVM, DACVIM (Oncology)

VCA Animal Diagnostic Clinic


“I really think that there is strong evidence that the ELIAS procedure benefited these dogs, substantially and on average, based on that median survival. I will also point out that every single piece of the ELIAS immunotherapy process is extremely well supported in the scientific literature across multiple species.”

Jeffrey Bryan, DVM, DACVIM (Oncology)

University of Missouri

“There’s going to be a never-ending irreversible limitation of what autologous vaccine alone can do, which is why I’m attracted to the ECI product because of the activated T cell component. I don’t think that any of these products or autologous vaccines that are out there today are that much different or are going to offer that much significant difference. Whereas I think ECI has some clear improvements and should result in better results and better outcomes.”

K. Ann Jeglum, VMD, DACVIM (Oncology)

Veterinary Oncology Services and Research Center

Join us in changing the way veterinarians treat canine cancer.